2011년 10월 2일 일요일

My Speacial Wrist Watch

  I have a speacial treasure that is a antique wrist watch. When I entranced highschool, my father gave me a wrist watch as a middle school graduation present. Father said  "When I was your age, Your grandfather gave me a wrist watch." He did the same acting as my grandfather did. It has leather chain, and has white and gray color. I'm very appreciate to my father, and I feel deep impression. It was very important and speacial to me. In my highschool time, it had a hard time with me. I was always wearing a wrist watch, and it gave me a power. When I saw the wrist watch, it reminded me of my father and I pledged to endure a hard time in highschool. This wrist watch is my most valuable posseion.

댓글 1개:

  1. Hey there Sungkyu,
    Firstly, well done on making your good looking blog here, and then secondly, on posting a total of six good writing posts up already. That's great!

    Now, on your first post on your antique wrist watch, it is great writing, but I think we have checked it recently together in class on paper. Please check the corrections we made in class, and update the blog post here. Only writing that has been proofread by you and me should be only, for all the world to see, read, and enjoy!

    See you in class,
